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How to choose skialp belts

How to choose skialp belts

You want to start with skialpinist, but you do not know what belts to climb'll need? In the following article you advice on what you should not when choosing belts skialp forget ...

Touring bands are an essential part of every alpine skier. Therefore, their choice must set aside some time to then later regretted his choice. When selecting a belt you should look at these three main parameters:

  1. Material
  2. adhesive capacity
  3. Clamping on skis


So let's take a detailed look at the bands :)

  1. Material

In the past, as the main material for the manufacture of cranes used sealskin. But it was very non-organic solution, since it has suffered particularly seals your life. Currently, as the main material used for the production of nylon and mohair.

Just think, therefore compare the different materials:

Mohair: material with excellent characteristics during heavy winter frosts, providing perfect slip. Disadvantage compared with nylon belt is less life. We strip Gecko ...

Nylon: This material is characterized by a great hill-starting ability, but compared mohair will turn worse slides. In our belts Montana ...

EXIT However, combinations of the two . Mohair is usually combined with nylon in a ratio of 70% (mohair) to 30% (nylon). In our example. Contour strips ...

PROFOT: a material that constitutes a new generation skialp belts. Compared with nylon or mohair this is a completely different principle of operation. Area to pitch a matter of fact it is made of plastic mikrošupín stored along the length at different angles. This material has very good properties otter. Reliably it holds on all surfaces including ice and powder. The inner part of the belt to sklznicu ski huddle with glue. Strips of this material are designed for skis Fischer Transalp 88th

  1. adhesive capacity

Another parameter , which would have had to notice the adhesive ability belts . This is achieved by adhesive technologies such as molecular adhesion ( strip Gecko ), classic Bonding ( strip contour ) or hybrid technology.

  1. Clamping strips on skis

And clamping strips on skis, can help you in choosing ... every other strip is clamped on skis in different ways. There are bands that are clamped by the front tensioning and rear hook (ie. Estate) , then they are belts with front stretching without fixing heel (ie. Classic) and the last type is clamping by front stretching for mounting on the heel (Tip & Tail).

The first method of mounting is suitable for transitions, when they often give lower bands (output belts and downhill without bars). Avoid it is so that the ends of the strips to stick longer.

The second method of clamping is suitable for racing or mountain walks, where bands often do not give down. Such sheets can be used for various lengths of skis.

The third way of mounting is that the strip is easier to put on and crank can be available with the differences of 10-15 cm.


Adam Sport recommends:

In addition to touring bands you can find various brands such as - Contour , Montana , Gecko , Fischer ...

Our DreamTeam we were recommended strip Gecko , with whom we have very good experience. It's a band operating on the basis of molecular adhesion, which means that no longer will you need all sorts of glue to hold the belts well sklznicu skis. This pure mohair belt is characterized by an excellent slip and excellent adhesive power even during heavy frosts. Mohair fibers are around the waist is very heavily represented, which means that they need not fear that they will ski terrain to slip. Finally, it should also be said that this band does easily withstand the environmental impurities (grass, pine needles, ...), which means that the fibers are nothing will paste a :)


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